2011-04-08 15:25:59 UTC
Trying to execute the following code to update a back end database.
Everything runs fine until line:
db.Execute "ALTER TABLE tblMainData " _
& "ALTER COLUMN tblMainDataProdCode TEXT(20)",
Then I get error 3035 System Resource exceeded.
Here is the entire sub:
Public Sub sInstallUpdate()
On Error GoTo sInstallUpdate_Error
Dim db As DAO.Database 'backend database
Dim db2 As DAO.Database 'front end
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngYear As Long
Dim strBEPath As String
MOD1: 'Update 03/2011
'test for installed changes
strBEPath = fFindRemoteConnection(Forms("frmSplash"))
strBEPath = Right(strBEPath, Len(strBEPath) - 10)
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strBEPath)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblTest")
rs.FindFirst "tblTestName = " & """Mapping 2"""
If rs.NoMatch = True Then 'update not installed
'change 2 Change Product Code field length
db.Execute "ALTER TABLE tblMainData " _
& "ALTER COLUMN tblMainDataProdCode TEXT(20)",
'Add SDA Plate to tblPlate
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblPlate(tblPlateName) VALUES
('SDA')", dbFailOnError
'add Map2 to tblTestType
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblTestType
(tblTestTypeName,tblTestTypeDescription,tblTestTypeObsolete) " & _
"VALUES ('Map2','Mapping for 2011')", dbFailOnError
'Change 1 Add Map2 Test to tblTest
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblTest
(tblTestID,tblTestName,tblTestDescription,tblTestTypeID," & _
& _
& _
"tblTestPlate6,tblReportNoteID) VALUES (39,'Mapping
2','Map 2','Map2',2,5,10,0,'False'," & _
"'SMA','SDA',0,0,0,0,0)", dbFailOnError
'Change 3 add years to tblYear
Set db2 = CurrentDb
Set rs = db2.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM tblYear")
With rs
lngYear = rs![tblYear]
While lngYear < 2020
lngYear = lngYear + 1
db2.Execute "INSERT INTO tblYear (tblYear) VALUES
(" & lngYear & ")", dbFailOnError
End With
GoTo MOD2 'already installed goto to next mod
End If
GoTo sInstallUpdate_Exit
MsgBox "The Following Error Occurred :" & Err.Description &
Err.Number, vbCritical, "Update Installation Information"
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set db2 = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks in advance for any help.
David G.
David G.
Everything runs fine until line:
db.Execute "ALTER TABLE tblMainData " _
& "ALTER COLUMN tblMainDataProdCode TEXT(20)",
Then I get error 3035 System Resource exceeded.
Here is the entire sub:
Public Sub sInstallUpdate()
On Error GoTo sInstallUpdate_Error
Dim db As DAO.Database 'backend database
Dim db2 As DAO.Database 'front end
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngYear As Long
Dim strBEPath As String
MOD1: 'Update 03/2011
'test for installed changes
strBEPath = fFindRemoteConnection(Forms("frmSplash"))
strBEPath = Right(strBEPath, Len(strBEPath) - 10)
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(strBEPath)
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblTest")
rs.FindFirst "tblTestName = " & """Mapping 2"""
If rs.NoMatch = True Then 'update not installed
'change 2 Change Product Code field length
db.Execute "ALTER TABLE tblMainData " _
& "ALTER COLUMN tblMainDataProdCode TEXT(20)",
'Add SDA Plate to tblPlate
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblPlate(tblPlateName) VALUES
('SDA')", dbFailOnError
'add Map2 to tblTestType
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblTestType
(tblTestTypeName,tblTestTypeDescription,tblTestTypeObsolete) " & _
"VALUES ('Map2','Mapping for 2011')", dbFailOnError
'Change 1 Add Map2 Test to tblTest
db.Execute "INSERT INTO tblTest
(tblTestID,tblTestName,tblTestDescription,tblTestTypeID," & _
& _
& _
"tblTestPlate6,tblReportNoteID) VALUES (39,'Mapping
2','Map 2','Map2',2,5,10,0,'False'," & _
"'SMA','SDA',0,0,0,0,0)", dbFailOnError
'Change 3 add years to tblYear
Set db2 = CurrentDb
Set rs = db2.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM tblYear")
With rs
lngYear = rs![tblYear]
While lngYear < 2020
lngYear = lngYear + 1
db2.Execute "INSERT INTO tblYear (tblYear) VALUES
(" & lngYear & ")", dbFailOnError
End With
GoTo MOD2 'already installed goto to next mod
End If
GoTo sInstallUpdate_Exit
MsgBox "The Following Error Occurred :" & Err.Description &
Err.Number, vbCritical, "Update Installation Information"
Set db = Nothing
Set rs = Nothing
Set db2 = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks in advance for any help.
David G.
David G.